Thursday, March 01, 2007

Future of the blog

It has been a few weeks since the last update of the blog. As I have said previously,this blog was established for the use of students attending the creative writing class in the Dunlewey Centre in Belfast. While the standard of writing is exceptional in some cases, the ability to commit to the blog is another issue. Some members have found the experience of going online a bit daunting. From this point I will continue the blog as a personal endevour. Should any of the class wish to have their writings posted I would be happy to do so.

The blog will be expanded to take in areas of interest to writers of all backgrounds. I will concentrate on literary events in Northern Ireland and ~Belfast in particular. It is my intention to attempt to establish a "Literary Trail" in Belfast for walkers and visitors to the city. The trail will combine areas of interest and have the walkers safety as one of the main criteria. Places like the Linenhall Library, Queens University, Ulster Museum, Queens Film Theatre will all be included. Places to stay along the route will also have their details included. ~If there is anything ~I have missed and you would like included please drop me a line on my email or leave a comment.


Annie Wicking said...

Hi MrD,
when are you going to update this...
I keep read the same thing... :-)

You are looking Great in your pic though :-)

Annie Wicking said...

Hello Anyone about on here... When are we going to get something new to read... I'm waiting:-)

Annie Wicking said...

And still no sign of change... How long does a lady have to wait..:-)