Stephen Kings sub title is " A Memoir of the Craft". The book is written in two sections the second part is stuffed full of gems from the writer on the craft of writing. I would recommend you read the book cover to cover as you would a novel. Having enjoyed this then take the time to re-read the second section with a highlighter in hand. Doing this will highlight the gems of advice.
"If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others:read a lot and write a lot."
" Every book you pick up has its own lessons"
Common sense yes but when seen in black and white from as prolific a writer as Stephen King the snippets make sense.
Mr King also spreads a little comfort in " No one can be as intellectually slothful as a really smart person; give smart people half a chance and they will ship their oars and drift...dozing to Byzantium,you might say" So I am not lazy just really smart. Well that's my take on it anyway.
He goes on to say that stories and novels consist of three elements,narration,description and dialogue. Its hardly rocket science or anything mysterious. The method in which he lays out the book makes for a very informative and enjoyable read.
Highly recommended.
"If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others:read a lot and write a lot."
" Every book you pick up has its own lessons"
Common sense yes but when seen in black and white from as prolific a writer as Stephen King the snippets make sense.
Mr King also spreads a little comfort in " No one can be as intellectually slothful as a really smart person; give smart people half a chance and they will ship their oars and drift...dozing to Byzantium,you might say" So I am not lazy just really smart. Well that's my take on it anyway.
He goes on to say that stories and novels consist of three elements,narration,description and dialogue. Its hardly rocket science or anything mysterious. The method in which he lays out the book makes for a very informative and enjoyable read.
Highly recommended.